Lantel Comms Ltd
One of Lantel’s most common job requests and something that we have years of experience in, are Desk Moves & Changes. We help our clients with their office moves and a regular basis. This involves moving company workers from one desk to a newly assigned desk, this can be within the same, area, on a different floor or even to a completely different building, all depending on our clients wishes. This can also include anything from a one person move to a 100+ people move.
What We DO ...
We decommission the equipment on each desk in question, label each item and pack into a storage/move box which then gets transported to the new desk location. We then arrange any necessary desk-to-floor and comms room patching and perform any required audits. Audits will include either a visual and written report or for more difficult setups, a photographic audit might be necessary. We will then re-commission the desk equipment to its new desk position and carry out tests to make sure everything is working as it should be.
We also offer services with Roll Outs and Upgrades, this can be anything from a brand new install of new IT equipment i(inclusive of PCs, Monitors, Screens and all the necessary cabling etc) to also upgrading existing equipment for a new model. An example of this would be the recent Roll Out of the Windows 10 Upgrade. This saw Lantel Comms Ltd carrying out works such as changing pre-existing Windows 7 PC for a upgraded Windows 10 PC across approximately 400 desks.
Lantel Comms Ltd have years of experience working on trade floors and greatly appreciate the importance and sensitivity of the matter. We understand that working on Trader Moves requires a lot more precision and confidence in the works involved to carry out a move, however with the experience we have we can make sure these sensitive moves will go ahead trouble free. As always we will carry out a full visual and written audit as well as a photographic audit for good measure. We will conduct the physical move as normal with the de-commissioning and label of all equipment involved and finally carry out tests to make sure everything is in perfect working order as it would have been before.